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Miniature Pressure Sensors for the High Temperature Domain
door Grim Keulemans

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Towards improving biocompatibility in implantable monitoring
door Luigi Brancato

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Towards the application of functional lanthanide based materials
door Jing Liu

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Exploration of Pharmaceutical Care Services to Support Adequate Medication Use in Older Polymedicated Patients in Primary Care and Post-Discharge
door Joke Wuyts

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Influence of Gut-brain Signals on Psychobiological Processes in Healthy Humans
door Dongxing Zhao

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Power Efficient Analog and Mixed-Signal Architectures for Sensing Systems
door Komail Badami

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Technology, Value Chains, and Development: Evidence from Ethiopia
door Seneshaw Tamru

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Trade policy with the lights on
door Niels Gheyle

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The evolutionary nature of RV Tauri stars
door Rajeev Manick

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Automated reconstruction of Building Information Model objects from point cloud data
door Maarten Bassier

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Digital enhancement of SAR ADCs
door Juan Carlos Peña Ramos

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Uncertainty quantification in long-range Lagrangian atmospheric transport and dispersion modelling
door Pieter De Meutter

Owl Press